Rated with a 9.2
Upcoming start date 25 March 2025
This training addresses the need to gain knowledge of programming with JavaScript. It also helps testers remain fully capable discussion partners within multidisciplinary teams. During this course, the principles of programming will be covered using JavaScript and TypeScript. You will not only learn the syntax and structure of JavaScript/TypeScript, but you will also extensively work with JavaScript/TypeScript to understand what results you can achieve with these languages and tools. The emphasis of this training is on learning the language.
After explanations and examples of the theory, you will get hands-on experience. By doing and experiencing, you will get a good understanding of programming in JavaScript/TypeScript. By the end of the training, you will be able to work independently with JavaScript/TypeScript.
Some affinity with programming is a plus.
This training is intended for anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of using JavaScript/TypeScript for creating automated tests. This training covers topics from simple to more challenging subjects, making it suitable for beginners as well as more advanced testers.
Our corporate training offers tailor-made solutions that perfectly fit the specific needs of your company or organization. The training is flexible in terms of location and schedule, and can be held at your company’s location or elsewhere. Ideal for teams and consultancy firms. For a fixed price up to +/- 10 candidates.
Contact us here without obligation to inquire about the possibilities.
Join our classroom training sessions and learn alongside fellow students. Benefit from shared experiences and practical examples in a traditional classroom setting. Our trainings are offered at various locations. When you are ready to start, you can sign up for a classroom training directly.
De training heeft mij de juiste hoeveelheid informatie en handvatten gegeven om hier zelf mee aan de slag te kunnen. Wanneer iets niet helemaal duidelijk voor mij was, of wanneer er gevraagd werd om de onderliggende logica, dan kon Roy dat heel goed en begrijpelijk uitleggen. Voor eenieder die hier meer mee wil gaan doen, of de concepten beter wil begrijpen, zeker een aanrader!
Trainer Roy de Kleijn is zeer ervaren met de materie en staat open voor vragen buiten de lesstof om. Het niveau lag in onze groep hoog omdat wij als cursisten daar behoeft aan hadden, Roy speelt daar goed op in en kan zich moeiteloos aanpassen naar het niveau van de cursisten.