Training: Test automation with Playwright

Rated with a 9.3
Upcoming start date 13 December 2024

Do you want to become an expert in test automation with Playwright? Then this training is perfect for you! In this training, you will learn everything you need to automate your testing process using Playwright.

One of the first things we cover in this training is setting up a Playwright project using TypeScript. This ensures a structured codebase in which you can work efficiently and iterate quickly.

This is a combination of Test Automation with Playwright (Basics) and Test Automation with Playwright (Advanced).

Test Automation with Playwright

What you will learn:

  • Setting up a Playwright Project: Learn how to set up a Playwright project with TypeScript for a structured and efficient codebase.
  • Generating Tests with Codegen: Discover the power of Codegen to quickly and easily generate tests.
  • Working with Playwright Trace Viewer: Gain insight into using the Trace Viewer for detailed tracing data during Playwright scripts.
  • Assertions and API Testing: Learn how to effectively use assertions for test validation, and explore testing and mocking API responses.
  • Advanced Testing Techniques: Dive into commonly used locators and how to run browser-specific tests.
  • Generating Reports: Learn how to create clear test reports for quick issue identification.
  • Integration into CI/CD Pipeline: Learn how to seamlessly integrate your tests into a CI/CD pipeline for automated and efficient testing processes.

In short, after this training, you will be able to automate your testing process with Playwright and become a valuable asset to your organization. Sign up for the training now and become an expert in test automation with Playwright!

Corporate/In-company training

Our corporate training offers tailor-made solutions that perfectly fit the specific needs of your company or organization. The training is flexible in terms of location and schedule, and can be held at your company’s location or elsewhere. Ideal for teams and consultancy firms. For a fixed price up to +/- 10 candidates.

Contact us here without obligation to inquire about the possibilities.

Classroom training

Join our classroom training sessions and learn alongside fellow students. Benefit from shared experiences and practical examples in a traditional classroom setting. Our trainings are offered at various locations. When you are ready to start, you can sign up for a classroom training directly.

  1. This training includes an extensive lunch, coffee, and tea.
  2. This training will take place with a minimum of 3 (and a maximum of 10) participants.
  3. This training can also be given on-site, feel free to contact us for the applicable rates.


D. de Bruijn | Salves | score: 4.4 / 5 | 27-09-2024

De cursus Testautomatisering met PlayWright/TypeScript heeft me echt geholpen om weer wat vertrouwd te raken met TypeScript, aangezien het een tijdje geleden was dat ik ermee heb gewerkt. De training gaf me wel de nodige basiskennis en inzichten om verder aan de slag te gaan. De trainer legde de onderwerpen duidelijk uit en er was genoeg ruimte om vragen te stellen. Daarnaast werd er ook goed oefenmateriaal meegegeven, wat fijn is om na de cursus verder te kunnen oefenen en het geleerde beter onder de knie te krijgen. Hoewel ik nog geen uitgebreide ervaring heb met PlayWright of testautomatisering, heb ik nu wel de handvatten gekregen om er zelfstandig verder in te duiken. De cursus was zeker een goede eerste stap en ik voel me nu beter voorbereid om hiermee verder te gaan.

I. Oualgouh | Salves | score: 4.9 / 5 | 04-07-2024

Naar aanleiding van deze training zal ik, samen met mijn team, proberen een Playwright test automation project op te zetten.

G. Kinet | | score: 4.9 / 5 | 25-03-2024

Bedankt voor de opleiding vandaag Roy!

A. Barnhoorn | | score: 5 / 5 | 20-10-2023

Erg leuke training Roy, mooi zoals je jouw kennis weet over te brengen en je inspeelt op de groep en de vragen die er zijn.